A downloadable game for Windows


A prototype deck builder game. Currently there is a lack of real gameplay mechanics. It it primarily an experimentation of mechanics at the moment. The state this was released in is what I would consider the MVP(Minimum Viable Product). It's not complete, but has enough features to be tested.

With it being an MWP the graphics are very bare bones. And this is okay. I will focus on animations and sound effects only after I have the key gameplay mechanics implemented.

In short this is what the program supports at the moment. At start of each turn 5 cards are drawn to hand. When played cards can draw more cards, or increase resources. Resources can be used to buy new cards. There are two places to buy cards, the standard market, and the dynamic market. When a pile in the dynamic market is depleted a new card will enter the dynamic market. At end of turn one card, from the right most pile in the dynamic market is removed. Cards with a green border can be played or bought. There is no way of winning or losing the game.



End goal of project is unknown. It could be taken in a PVP direction, focusing on 1v1 gameplay, like Hearthstone or Dominion. Or it could be focused on a singleplayer experience like Slay the Spire. More prototyping is gonna be made before narrowing down on exact gameplay mechanics/focus.

Currently only very basic card actions exist: GAIN_RESOURCE, DRAW_CARD, PRINT_MESSAGE(only used for debugging). More interesting mechanics like Trashing (removing cards from play), scrying(manipulating card draw deck), creating temporary cards, discovering new cards etc will be added later. 

I am planning to implement "Lingering" cards. Cards that when played stay in play until destroy, like bases in Star Realms, or constructs in Ascension. 


The program is built with expandability in mind, meaning that all cards are created from .json templates, no single card is hardcoded. New card templates can be added by each individual user, under their "My games" folder. I have not documented it yet, so good luck doing it blind :) But it's tested and it works. This means that any user easily will be able to add new decks of cards (when I've written the HOW-TO). 

My philosophy is that I'm probably not the best game designer, but I am a decent developer. If this project is taken further I see my role not as the primary content creator, but as a creator/maintainer of a system in which other people create the content (cards and card decks). I see Rimworld as a prime example of this idea. I strongly believe it is the moddability of Rimworld that has made it so extremely successful.


Known limitations

  • If a new card enters the dynamic market in the middle of a turn the purchasability is not recalculated.
  • Cards being highlighted (yellow/red tan) incorrectly.
  • Currently "Hardcoded" for 1920x1080



Updated 5 days ago
AuthorRobin Johansson
GenreCard Game


OcelotDeckBuilder_0_1_2.zip 33 MB
OcelotDeckBuilder_0_1_1.zip 29 MB
OcelotDeckBuilder_0_1_0.zip 29 MB

Install instructions

  1. Unzip OcelotDeckBuilder_x_y_z.zip
  2. Run FrontierCardBuilding.exe

Development log

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